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Transaction Analysis


Value & Risk offers a wide range of transaction analysis services for all asset classes, including market conformity checks and PRIIPS transaction cost analysis.

Ex-ante & Ex-post Price Analysis

Value & Risk provides transaction-based valuation services for both ex-ante and ex-post deals across all asset classes. This service assists investors in verifying the fairness of a deal offer or transfer price offer between portfolios, as well as the plausibility of an already booked deal in any asset class.

Market Conformity checks

We offer our clients a Market Confirmity Check service based on regulatory requirements for financial institutions in several European countries. This service is a highly efficient service covering all regulatory requirements such as MaRisk or KAMaRisk for both liquid and illiquid transactions.

PRIIPs Transaction Cost Analysis

Value & Risk offers a fully hosted PRIIPs TCA calculation service for any liquid or illiquid transaction for historical calculation or as an ongoing service. This service complies with current EU guidelines and is based on our highly flexible and efficient infrastructure.


Optimization of transaction costs

The Value & Risk PRIIPs TCA service provides transaction cost optimization using technology based on intraday trading information.

Full coverage

Our TCA service covers all asset classes, including government, emerging market and corporate bonds, money market instruments, equities in developed and emerging markets, listed derivatives and many OTC instruments.


We leverage our proprietary and highly flexible valuation platform to ensure we can process large volumes of data with maximum efficiency and accuracy to deliver the best results. The platform also ensures an easy onboarding process and reporting, through a flexible interface to the client's data system.

Timely support

The whole process is fully supported by our valuation experts to ensure we can answer any questions you may have in a timely manner. Our specialists can help you resolve any issues arising from questionable data quality or support your auditors' requirements.

Access to market data

Our system can access most datasources such as exchanges, trading platforms and other pricing contributors to support good data quality and instrument coverage.