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Independent Price verification

Price Verification

Independent Price Verification (IPV) is an increasingly important process and regulatory requirement for the valuation of financial assets. The key IPV process requires that non-independent third party prices are verified against an independent source. Significant discrepancies between third party prices and independent prices above a certain threshold lead to an investigation and possible adjustments.

Value & Risk has developed a proprietary methodology, supported by state-of-the-art technology, to provide clients with a complete IPV solution that covers all asset classes and complies with current ESMA regulations.

ESMA regulation

ESMA has launched a Common Supervisory Action (CSA) with national competent authorities (NCAs) on the supervision of asset valuation rules under the UCITS and AIFM Directives.

ESMA underlines the importance of an independent analysis of the prices of the assets in the portfolio, in particular of less-quoted assets, to ensure that valuation methodologies are robust and based on reliable data and/or verifiable assumptions, in particular under stressed market conditions. ESMA recommends challenging prices provided by external data providers.

Independent price Verification

Value & Risk has been providing Independent Price Verification (IPV) services to it's clients for many years. This service is available for any quote from a stock exchange, broker, asset manager or other third party and supports both liquid and illiquid investments. Value & Risk uses a range of methodologies, based on the particular risk profile of an instrument, to determine a plausible price range (or corridor) for the instrument at the valuation date. This is a fully supported service that ensures pricing independence for investors and complies with current regulatory requirements.